Language Learning in Higher Education (LLHE): the Journal of CercleS

About this journal

Language Learning in Higher Education (LLHE) is the Journal of CercleS, the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education. Its primary aim is both to disseminate the best results of research activities carried out at Language Centres (LCs) and Departments in Higher Education as well as to give the opportunity to share ideas and pedagogical approaches adopted in LCs among professionals involved in language studies. The Journal deals with the most relevant aspects of language learning and teaching in university contexts and the outcomes of research on topics such as blended learning, autonomous learning, language assessment, EMI, quality assurance, university language policies, and artificial intelligence. This aim carries the long-term objective of helping increase the quality of language learning offered by the higher education language community throughout the European academic context and beyond.

With this perspective, LLHE serves as a forum for authors from the CercleS community and for other international contributions to increase diversity as an added value for CercleS members and as a platform for colleagues outside Europe.

The Journal includes two sections dedicated to: a) Research articles; b) Activity Reports which can be based on teaching/learning activities, reports/surveys about specific university contexts, or book reviews. As for details about the length of texts, authors can refer to the editorial submission guidelines that are mandatory for the acceptance of the paper/report submitted.

The Journal is published twice a year, in May and October. As a reference point to the past three years, Issues include a Special one 10.2 (2020) Enhancing the Role of European University Language Centre: past achievements and future perspectives, the aim of which was to celebrate the 30th anniversary of CercleS (1991-2021). A Webinar was organized in Spring 2021 for this special event. The recording of the Webinar can be found here.

LLHE 11.1 and 11.2 (2021) include several contributions presented at the XVI CercleS Conference held at Masaryk University (Brno) in September 2020. The 2022 Issues (12.1, 12.2) include a special section on Language Education for Sustainable Development and other research articles covering topics related to language learning and activities carried out within Language Centres communities. The 2023 Issues (13.1, 13.2) comprise several contributions, arising from the XVII CercleS Conference, hosted by ReCLes.pt, the Association of Language Centres in Higher Education (Portugal), at ISCAP, the Porto Accounting and Business School (September 2022).

CercleS organises Webinars that offer the opportunity to discuss topics related to articles published in LLHE in the spring and autumn seasons.  The Webinars feature lively interviews with the authors. Detailed information and recordings of the Webinars can be found on the CercleS YouTube channel.

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