
Promoting and encouraging research by its members

CercleS is engaged in promoting and encouraging research by its members and sharing its results at conferences and workshops. It supports  its partners’ research projects by delegating experts from member institutions to workshops and projects.


CercleS survey “Teaching of Ukrainian as a foreign language in European HE institutions”

The aim of the survey was to find out which language and learning institutions offer Ukrainian as a foreign language, and the extent and nature of the offer. The survey was open from February to March 2023 and was sent to the 378 institutional members and 23 associate membersof CercleS for further dissemination among teaching and management staff. We received 23 responses from 9 countries.

Below are the main outcomes from the survey.


CercleS Survey: Teaching of Ukrainian as a foreign language in European HE institutions

642.51 KB 1520 downloads


CercleS survey “Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Language Teaching in Higher Education”

The CercleS survey “Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Language Teaching in Higher Education”, ran from 30 March to 6 May 2021. The goal of the research is to identify the conditions and forms of delivery of language teaching and learning in Higher Education during the COVID-19 pandemic, to define quality criteria of the different formats of language teaching and learning, and to inform future planning of CercleS training and development events. The working group analysed the results from both questionnaires – addressing teaching and management staff – and shared the outcomes with the CercleS community at a webinar at the end of June. A recording of the webinar is available on our YouTube channel ( Workshops on the didactical implications for future language teaching in Higher Education (October 2021) and on a Policy Statement based on the survey outcomes (November) were also held. The results were also shared at international conferences in October and November 2021.  

Below are the final policy paper and a guide resulting from the research.


CercleS Policy Paper and Guide on Language Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

486.54 KB 9983 downloads

FINAL_CercleS Guide to LTLHE_20220429.pdfDownload 
FINAL_CercleS Policy Paper on LTLHE_20220429.pdfDownload 

Here are a report, article and webinar slides related to the research.


Research: CercleS Covid-19 survey

5.75 MB 12678 downloads

CercleS Survey Webinar_20210630.pdfDownload 
Zamborova, Stefanutti, Klimova article 2021.pdfDownload 
Report CercleS survey- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Language Teaching in Higher Education_20210906.pdfDownload 

Here are the slides from the webinar on 15 November – CercleS policy paper applied: Best practices on COIL formats.


COIL webinar: presentations

6.72 MB 3044 downloads

Policy paper applied - Best-practices on COIL formats.pdfDownload 
CercleS COIL webinar group 1.pdfDownload 
CercleS COIL webinar group 2.pdfDownload 
CercleS COIL webinar group 3.pdfDownload