CercleS-Webinar: Policy paper applied – Best-practices on COIL formats

HomeCercleS-Webinar: Policy paper applied – Best-practices on COIL formats

CercleS-Webinar: Policy paper applied – Best-practices on COIL formats

CercleS-Webinar: Policy paper applied - Best-practices on COIL formats NovemberNov 15 2023 16:00 - 18:00 Europe/Berlin

This webinar provides participants with the opportunity to present and exchange ideas about successful practices in international cooperation which are in keeping with the premises of the CercleS Policy Paper. Formats include European University Alliances, bi- or plurilateral strategic partnerships, and other formats of international cooperation. The focus will be on joint online modules, including virtual classrooms, and joint/blended intercultural competence classes (COIL).

Format: presentation of the projects (ca. 20 min per project) and discussion in groups (breakout rooms). We will consider the following questions:

  • Which factors have contributed to the project’s success?
  • How can the format be integrated sustainably into the internationalization strategy of a higher education institution (HEI)?
  • Which descriptors of these best practices would be best suited for a “modular framework” to scaffold future projects?


1. DACADU – an intercultural and multilingual project within the European University Alliance EUt+ 
(see website)
Project partners: Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany; Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Spain; TU Dublin, Ireland; Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus; University of Technology of Troyes, France
Presenters: Dr. Stefanie Morgret and Sabine Kasten (Hochschule Darmstadt)


2. INTERFACE – INTERcultural proFiciency and orAl CompetenCE in English (see website)
Project partners: Universität Potsdam, Germany and Beit Berl College, Israel
Presenters: Karen Abel (Beit Berl College) and Dr. David Prickett (Universität Potsdam)


3. “What do you mean” – Experiencing Cultural Perspectives through Language – a joint online course in Hebrew-German (A1) (see website
Project partners: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel and Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Presenters: Chaya Fischer, Alix Glotz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Nadia Fischer, Dr. Ruth Tobias (Freie Universität Berlin)


The Zoom link will be sent to members who are subscribed to the CercleS website and who receive the CercleS newsletters.
For safety reasons, we do not post the Zoom link on public platforms. If you have not yet subscribed to the website, please register here.

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